how to use your feminine energy in a relationship

Loose Leaf Artisan Tea Blend includes: Raspberry Leaf, Chaste Tree Berry, Lemon Verbena, L If you dont like something hes done, tell him so. Our entire world is made up of these dichotomies: dark and light, summer and winter, birth and death. This is attractive to most men because they dont want to be around someone who is harsh, aggressive, and angry all the time. It represents our left side of our body and references our right brain that is associated with creativity and artistic thought. It doesnt matter if youre the woman and you were taught to be passive. It just so happens (and often though certainly not always is mirrored by our bodies) that most men tend to have a stronger masculine, while most women tend to have a stronger feminine. is part of ESSENCE Communications, Inc. If you really do feel most comfortable in those clothes, then go for it! A note from Demetra today in July 2022. Men love it when youre playful. In your relationship, dont ever let your sensual energy subside. So let us give you a hand in finding the perfect person that matches your energy. Your femininity is defined by yourself only. I would love to tell you that your feminine energy is more obvious through your rationale, but Id be lying to you. However, so many women out there think that thats the only way for a woman to dress to feel empowered. God forbid they be anything other than productive, successful machines. The first step towards being the Lighthouse is having a busy life. The rights of women are recent, and fighting for them was (and still is) necessary. Whatever you do, just dont take someone elses definition and make it your own. By all means, include how sweet he is, but focus mostly on compliments that accentuate his masculinity. Its like a flower. This can be dramatic! You can also add that you always feel extremely safe next to him and that his love feels like a warm embrace. Let go of control Allow yourself to flow more freely through life, enjoy the little daily happenings instead of trying to control them. Shelly Bullard, MFT, is a marriage and family therapist with a holistic and spiritual approach to relationships. While this process of transformation can feel unruly and scary at times, it is necessary. Your masculine is creating the container for your feminine. If youre a naturally feminine woman living mostly from your masculine, you will probably feel confused, annoyed, and youll end up resenting your relationships. You have to escape toxic environments and also do the things that make you happy. There are different conceptions of what a woman should be, especially when it comes to behavior. She becomes attractive, grounded, and sensual. The divine Feminine energy is known to develop the personality of the individual. I know that the bedroom is a good practice place, but you may want to look for your limits outside of the bedroom as well. You need to nurture it above anything. Angry women are villified. You dont want him to feel like he can say or do anything around you without consequences. Feminine energy is radiant. At times, I would even recommend you show less interest and let him be the one to chase you more. What follows are nine practical ways to increase your feminine energy. Emotions must flow, they must move through you. Ships from all corners of the sea are attracted towards the lighthouse and sail towards her. Your femininity will shine through when you start feeling more comfortable. This also enhances your desirability factor, even positively influencing the man you do want. 11 ways to increase your feminine energy and remove the blocks around it 1. In your relationship, you could be the one who always talks but never allows your partner to share his thoughts. You have a stronger feelings of empathy and compassion for yourself and othersYou have a strong desire to connect with more femalesYou feel drawn to the arts as a way to express yourselfYou have no need for competing against and judging othersYou understand that your true power comes through self-love and self-careMore items WebStep 1: Use the Feminine Attraction Triggers If you want to gain a mans interest fast, theres a super quick way, and that is through the use of the feminine attraction triggers. WebBeing in your feminine allows you to experience the joy of synergy with a man, to demonstrate care and nurturing, and to set loving boundaries. You see, when a mans Hero Instinct is triggered, hell not only be totally committed to you and ready to do anything for you, but hell also keep you at the center of his universe. Some of us think of the feminine as being quiet and rejuvenating, but that's only half the story. If he is paying attention to you, give him some of your time and attention, but dont fully open up to him until he really proves himself as a worthy partner. Theyve done everything they were told to do to be successful in society. For more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. Many believe that women can be quite nurturing individuals, and this can be true, but it should not be linked solely with how they care for other people. Remember, while the masculine is super direct, the feminine is indirect. So try to do something that he will thank you for and that will mean a lot to you both. Dont let yourself go in the sense of not being there for yourself. Thats why you cant just ignore your physical appearance. When a woman embodies her feminine essence, her whole life is transformed. Being feminine does not mean your masculine goes out the window. Take Care of Your Appearance Feminine energy isnt just about looking good, but when you start taking care of your appearance and dressing in a way that enhances what you have your man will notice that. Pitts, reminds us that we must first understand if theres anything in your heart/life thats blocking your energy. Another major thing that holds women back is the repressed anger many women have towards men, who are our external representations of the masculine. You deserve to let those things roam freely in your body and in the place that you inhabit. 8. Youll feel like youve lost your touch like youve lost the woman you were before. Check out Become The Person You've Always Wanted To Be & Attract The Love You Deserve. Whats more, when you practice self-care, it shows a man that you are confident in yourself and worthy of being treated well. You should definitely work on how to maintain bonds that are important to you and that bring positivity into your life, though you need to keep in mind that in order for that to work, you cannot be the only responsible. So, I tend to define as that which makes you feel powerful, creative, at your best, your most beautiful, and something that feels in sync and harmony with where youre trying to be. Because of that, youll have to define your own femininity. Stop judging yourself from the outside in and learn how to feel good from the inside out. Passive. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy his company. Youll stiffen up, especially around men; youll be guarded. If there is something you disagree with, its okay to voice your opinion as long as you do so respectfully. It doesnt matter what that creative outlet is for you, just make sure to use it to work on yourself. 1. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Safety is rooted in ourselves. However, societal norms often dictate that certain traits and behaviors are associated with either masculinity or femininity. This is a very old-fashioned way of dating, but its effective. Powerful and Feminine: How to Increase Your Magnetic Presence and Attract the Attention You Want $14.49 (219) In Stock. Of course, you should always strive to give the same amount that youre receiving in a relationship. WebBeing a woman and understanding how to harness your feminine energy is a superpower.Use it to create optimal success. Because society will tell you that you have to be soft and quiet to be feminine. Youll only block your own blessings by always trying to reach someone elses standards. This may mean different things for different people. When we are in our immature feminine energy, we feel lost, confused, anxious, overwhelmed and unable to plan or make decisions. Boosting his ego can make him feel appreciated as a man. So balance out how much you want to give in your relationship and how much you want to receive. If you are constantly looking for a man to validate your existence, he may lose interest quickly. Rely on yourself and your individual achievements. Here are 11 ways to tap into your feminine energy before a first date. Your feminine energy will come forward when your energy isnt clogged by bad experiences. One of the ways to do that is by determining ways you can contribute to your relationship. What things can you say no to? Strangely, in the process of trying to prove we were equal to men, the message became, Women should be more like men.. He will see you as someone who he has to win over and this will make him want you more. You want to be able to give your partner the perfect woman because hes the perfect man for you. Successful women are resented. She has no time to sit there waiting for this one man to grace her with his attention. Required fields are marked *. Feminine people are usually described as highly emotional and vulnerable. Places can be characterized as either masculine or feminine, depending on their overarching characteristics. When you notice yourself longing for a relationship, feel where that longing resides in your body and be with it. Youll tap into your natural magnetism which is what happens when you inhabit your natural side of the spectrum. if you dont feel safe, it will be very difficult to live from your feminine. Your body seems like its not yours anymore, so you feel like youre the issue. This is important because it will make him want to be around you more often and will make him want to continue showing you how special he thinks you are. Meditate Meditating allows you to get in touch with your leading energy. We want to attract a partner, so we try to get the most out of our God-given beauty. If it makes you feel confident and powerful, dont let anyone tell you that you cant wear that. Feel safe 3. Thank you I needed this. A woman or a man should see this as a trait of confidence and passion. This difference is what causes polarity. Point out the masculine things he does for you and that way hell help you to feel more feminine. This also means that hell feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable around you, too. He will feel valued, appreciated, and important when he is around you. There are 17 of them altogether, but here is one example: Simply stick your tongue out playfully at him. By setting these boundaries, youre making sure that you have a safe enough environment to allow your feminine energy to flow. Youll just be allowed to flow, change your mind, get your needs met easily, and express yourself however you please. You have the right to let go of all of the things that you were taught about being feminine. What Im talking about is taking care of yourself, whatever that may mean for you. Today we know people of all genders can have any combination of any of these traits, and no traits are inherent to any gender or should be expected of any gender. Lol, Your email address will not be published. Make sure to let it flow through you freely and dont hold it back. Overvaluing masculinity also leads us to become dependent on man-made things, such as our smartphones and laptops, and spend less time in nature or expressing our creative selves. You want to know how to be more feminine in a relationship and thats why youre here. If you find yourself doing the above, you are in your Masculine Energy. If you want to be more in touch with your femininity, first you want to actually understand what kinds of trauma bondsthat could be a father bond, a mother trauma bondactually live in your house. Youll get really good at receiving from others, whether thats compliments, money, gifts, or more. If you trust your own masculine, you can live most of your life from a feminine place I feel this as surrendering to life. I can promise you that youll be much happier that way and youll reach your goals much faster. The key to balance your feminine energy is to keep in mind the things that you enjoy about who you truly are on the inside, so you can exteriorize those characteristics with confidence. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Youll also form a deep connection to your intuition. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Feminine energy refers to a specific set of traits, considered to be the opposite of traits associated with masculine energy. WebMasculine energy is direct, aggressive, and action-oriented with a focus toward achievement. This means that you trust yourself to speak up for yourself and to set boundaries in your everyday life. Your individual way of creating beauty doesnt matter adorning yourself with jewelry, wearing makeup, doing your hair, wearing a pretty outfit, doing your nails, putting on lotion or perfume, whatever it is anything that registers as beauty to you will help you drop into your feminine. Its important to let go of the idea that you need your man to make you feel validated. Define what femininity means for you so that you can know what you want to work towards in your life. Sometimes, we lose our feminine side when were in a relationship. So do different types of exercise every day. The thing is that if you sleep with him right away, he may not think that youre girlfriend material and will only think of you as a one-night stand. She has worked with thousands of clients on improving their relationships with others and themselves. Feminine energy goes so much deeper than the physical. This means that you have the strength to handle your life while also being open and honest about your feelings. The best way to describe feminine energy is that its the soft, delicate, and gentle side of a person. Its also a way for you to let him know that youre not a doormat. Pleasure connects you to your body, to your senses. He will appreciate the fact that you are selective about who you spend your time with and that you are not desperate for a boyfriend or relationship. What other way to do that but to be more feminine? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Feminine energy and the feminine divine are taking center stage more and more, but how can you unlock and unleash yours? 3 techniques to dial up your feminine energy 1) Get comfortable with your emotions! When youre the vulnerable one, hes able to be there for you. Do you feel like its hard for you to drop into your feminine, or like you dont really know what that means? The set of traits we've come to define as "feminine" do stem from the expectations we used to place on women throughout history to behave a certain way. Your feminine energy will be so much stronger if you feel more confident in your own body. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Feminine energy is: Feeling, receiving Intuiting, just being, following The spiritual practice of surrender and collaboration Think about waltzing across the ballroom Go there when you're feeling out of sync and in need of revitalization. Couples dont *have* to have polarity. Try these things out and see how they go you might even surprise yourself! Webyour feminine energy it helps you to fully inhabit your body to experience the present moment and to feel the deep connection you have with the web jan 3 2023 relationship counseling can help some people work through factors A doormat. If youre regularly ignoring your intuition, it will be super hard to connect to your feminine, because essentially your feminine is giving you guidance and youre constantly shutting her down, leaving you at war with yourself. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Wearing a long skirt or dress, not wearing a bra or underwear, letting your hair down all of these things can immediately help you shift into a more open, feminine state. At a deeper level, being the Lighthouse means keeping an open heart and allowing yourself to be seen as the prize for all kinds of men. The feminine allows you requires you, really to soften and feel. Masking Our Core Energy When speaking about feminine and masculine energies, that doesnt mean gender. It simply means that you can be soft and delicate in your words and in your actions. Its important to use your opinions as a tool because it will help you to feel empowered in the relationship. Ever wondered how to be feminine in a relationship? Ask yourself when you feel the most feminine and when you feel most like yourself. These messages say, Youre valued for sex, but dont be too sexy. They say, Be agreeable, but also ask for what you want.. It's satisfying for all of us to have outlets for both our masculine and feminine energies. We also tend to use this energy not only for ourselves, but to fix and take care of everyone elses lives around us. Notice the smells in the air. Many women who want to find their feminine side while in a relationship solely focus on their appearance. Vulnerability is attractive to men because it shows that you are a real person with real feelings. This is especially true when it comes to your physical appearance. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. This has, of course, been challenged by the fact that many women do not see it as such a core part of their lives and you do not have to either. Women who are embodying their feminine energy will be absolutely irresistible to masculine men, or to any person with a more masculine energy. When we overvalue masculinity, we spend most of our time working and very little time resting, taking vacation, and spontaneously connecting with others. It is doing energy. Now masculine energy If this is the case, try to communicate the things that bother you in your relationship. My favorite metaphor to help you overcome this hyper-focus is that of the Lighthouse and the Laser Beam. Connection and specifically connecting to other women 5. This will ensure you are healthy and have enough stamina for all the things that you need to accomplish. This is just a small explanation of why you need to create more in your life. There will be many ups and downs, but always do the things that bring the most joy in your life. I wrote an entire memo on how he could improve the experience for his clients (he never got back to me). Touch the fabric of your clothing. Move your body daily. This dark moon phase is linked to the dark feminine. Most often, this takes the form of being hyper-focused on one man. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. We all have emotional selves, but many of us haven't been taught how to understand our feelings. Removing yourself from situations that do not match your energy should be a high-priority for you, and nothing is more attractive than confidence in ones own decisions. Now, how can you be yourself as you begin to create bonds with other people? Places like the forest, jungle, parks, and the ocean are abundant with natural feminine energy. WebGiving and receiving hugs and support is a huge plus, not a drawback. WebIf we want to embody feminine energy at the start of a relationship we have to allow the masculine to come to us. Feminine health care 7. Youll be the nurturing partner for him and thats when your femininity will shine through. This means no initiating communication, no texting, no reaching out, no sending Facebook and Instagram follow requests, and definitely no suggesting or planning dates if he is not asking you out! Privacy Policy | About us |Contact us 2023 Think Aloud, 1. By embracing your feminine energy, you'll be deeply adored, wanted, loved, and romanced by your partner. Feel your emotions, allow yourself to be sensitive, and be the strong but sensitive woman that men want to be around. Its also the yin to masculine yang. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The Masculine feels a sense of purpose by giving to Feminine Energy. There are very few ideal masculine role models. A woman of high value is a woman whos had to also learn how to be feminine in a relationship. Just sit with it and really look at it, even if for only a few minutes. Feminine energy is constantly in a state of movement. Don't wait that long! Learn how your comment data is processed. Find ways to contribute to your relationship. Its what creates charge, or sexual tension in a relationship. Successfully sources and pipelines top talent to bring to the organization to meet the ever-changing business needs. So when a woman is honoring that, she is fully in her femininity., Femininity like so many other things that we know is very much a social construct, explains Dr. Oriowo. Offers may be subject to change without notice. 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how to use your feminine energy in a relationship

how to use your feminine energy in a relationship